The Steering Group would like to thank everyone who has contributes towards the production of the Chartham Neighbourhood Plan so far. The Vision and Objectives Survey was a great success with 177 responses received, and our community have collectively identified a number of great ideas which may help direct the future of Chartham Parish. We are now looking to develop these ideas so that our plan actively responds to our community’s aspirations.
Having reviewed the results of the Vision & objectives Survey (results and analysis of this consultation is available here) the Steering Group have developed a Vision for our area which is:
"In 2031 we will be known as a friendly, rural, sustainable community spread across our distinct settlements in a beautiful quiet countryside setting. "
To achieve this vision, Neighbourhood Plan Objectives have been identified, these are to -
- Deliver appropriate development in the right place which meets local need
- Enable safe and sustainable movement within our parish, promote connections to nearby towns, whilst reducing vehicle trips on our roads
- Address, so far as possible, existing issues within our built environment
- Enhance community spirit, health and wellbeing
- Reinforce the distinctiveness of our settlements in their countryside settings
- Protect and enhance the value of our local landscape and habitats
- Respond to climate emergency and introduce adaptation and mitigation to create a healthy environment for future generations
- Promote a vibrant and prosperous rural economy
The next stage is for us all to work out the best way for our plan to achieve these objectives. Six ‘Working Groups’ are being established and each will look into a different topic area, with a brief being to investigate and identify how the objectives can be met through the neighbourhood plan. Each Working Group will eventually present their findings and recommendations to the Steering Group. The topic areas are:
- Built Environment and Heritage
- Landscape and Biodiversity
- Transport and Travel
- Economy
- Housing
- Sustainability, Health and Well-being and Climate Change
The aim is for the Working Groups’ to present their findings and recommendations by the end of March 2021 which will provide 3 full months after Christmas to look into the various areas.
Being part of a Working Group is a voluntary position, so I would like to make clear what it may entail. It is likely that you would be in a group of about 6 people meeting what it may entail. It is likely that you would be in a group of about 6 people meeting as required to progress work (currently such meetings have to take place online). The work will involve focussing upon a relevant topic area. Work may include helping to design surveys, engaging the community in inclusive and imaginative ways, helping to report progress to the Steering Group, presenting existing data which can then be
used in the evidence base of the plan, undertaking primary research and creating evidence documents, and identifying holes in the information. We have friendly professional support who will be on hand to help your efforts.
If you are interested in helping us and our community, please send us an email as soon as possible (no later than close of play on 4th December) and let us know which group(s) you would like to join. We will then be in touch in early December to get the Working Groups setup and work underway.
We look forward to hearing from you!
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