It was clear from our Scoping Consultation carried out in 2021 that green spaces within Chartham Parish are important features, much valued by the community. In the consultation, when asked, ‘Do you agree that we should be allocating suitable open space as Local Green Space’, 97% of the 92 respondents of that question answered ‘Yes’. 

In response to this, the Chartham Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group has prepared this document to identify green spaces which are considered important enough to be afforded a level of protection in the Neighbourhood Plan. 

The document can be downloaded by clicking on it below:

Review of Local Green Spaces (December 2023)

A Parish Heritage Assets document has been finalised by AECOM, as a supporting document for the Chartham Parish Neighbourhood Plan.

There are many buildings and sites that do not meet national standards to be Listed but which are important from a local or regional perspective. The purpose of this review is to establish whether there are any non-designated heritage assets within our parish, that should be afforded protection by the neighbourhood plan for their local historical importance or significance. 

We have used the following criteria to consider assets in our parish:

  • Asset type
  • Age
  • Rarity
  • Architectural and Artistic Interest
  • Group Value
  • Archaeological Interest
  • Historic Interest
  • Landmark Status

To see the conclusions of our work, click on the link below:

Parish Heritage Assets (September 2023)

A Design Guidelines and Codes report has been prepared by AECOM for the Chartham Parish Neighbourhood Plan. Neighbourhood planning groups can play an important role in identifying the special qualities of each area and explaining how this should be reflected in development, both through their own plans and by engaging in the production of design policy, guidance and codes by local planning authorities and developers.

Existing general design guidance and codes are intended to inform the design of homes which come forward on these sites as well as through any speculative proposals. This Design Guidelines and Codes report will provide an additional and more detailed framework to make sure any design proposal contributes to a distinctive place with a consistent and high quality standard of design. This report will become an integral part of the Chartham Neighbourhood Plan and be given weight in the planning process.

The document can be viewed or downloaded by clicking on it below:

Chartham Design Guidelines and Codes (May 2023)