As you know, Chartham Parish Council is preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan for the Parish with the help of the local community. The Chartham Neighbourhood Plan will set out a vision for the future of the Parish and planning policies, which will be used to determine planning applications locally.

Chartham Parish Council are running a consultation on the Scope of the Neighbourhood Plan, inviting responses between 5 September and 10 October 2021 24 October 2021. This consultation will help the Steering Group refine the draft scope of the plan further, which has been established through previous consultations and research done to date.

The consultation comprises two documents:

  1. The Scoping Consultation Document provides an overview of the proposed scope of the Neighbourhood Plan, alongside relevant information and the questions that we are seeking responses to. Please read this before completing your response form. This document is supported by more detailed evidence prepared to date, including:
  2. The Response Form, on which we ask you to provide your consultation response. This is available in multiple formats, as set out below.

Your response on the response form can be submitted through one of the following three methods. Please note that online responses via SurveyMonkey are preferred to save volunteer data entry time (if you wish to see the questions in advance, please click here): 

Complete the online response form at 

By Email
Download the word (.docx) file onto your computer from then complete it, save it, and email it as an attachment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hand / Post
Download the response form (.pdf) from and print it,
OR phone 07968 788083 to be sent a hard copy.
Once you have your form, please complete it and return it by hand or post to The Parish Office, Chartham Village Hall, Station Road, Chartham, Canterbury, CT4 7HZ

Please submit your response no later than midnight on Sunday 10 October 2021 24 October 2021.

We really hope that you will take part in this consultation, and thank you in advance for taking part , your input is valued by the whole team working on the plan.

If you have any queries regarding this consultation, or the Neighbourhood Plan in general, please contact Chartham Parish Council at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by calling 01227 738 110.